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Blog > Brand Management

Brand Management

From research and ideation, to design and amplification, we take a holistic look at branding with tips, inspiration, and much more.
How Custom AI Models Help Brands Scale
Artificial Intelligence
7 min read

How Custom AI Models Help Brands Scale

But first, what are custom AI models? How do creative teams use them and how are they made. Oh, and some examples would be good too.
Michelle Martin
Contributing Writer
The Brand Gap: What You Think vs. What Really Matters
Brand Management
5 min read

The Brand Gap: What You Think vs. What Really Matters

Marketers and creatives help shape and guide brands, but they shouldn’t forget that it's how their audiences feel and respond that makes all the difference.
Michelle Mire
Senior Content Marketing Specialist
The Definitive Guide To Cross-Channel Marketing
Brand Management
6 min read

The Definitive Guide To Cross-Channel Marketing

Cross-channel marketing is the linchpin of your marketing strategy. In this guide, we’ll show you exactly how to boost your brand through cohesive design.
Sofie Koevoets
Content Marketing Manager
How to Find Brand Distinction in a Crowded Market
Brand Management
12 min read

How to Find Brand Distinction in a Crowded Market

Understand the fundamentals of brand distinction using examples and learn how to build a distinctive brand, all in one go.
Piotr Smietana
Director of Brand & Marketing Creative